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DOTA2 8月15日更新内容详情_DOTA2 8月15日添加新珍藏和门票_网络游戏_游戏攻略_
简介 DOTA2 8月15日更新内容详情_DOTA2 8月15日添加新珍藏和门票_网络游戏_游戏攻略_
Mastery Gems
-Mastery and Kinetic gem functionality has been merged and the term “Mastery Gem” removed. What were previously called mastery gems are now kinetic gems. Kinetic gems can change animations, change abilities, add or modify particle FX, change ability icons, and modify other features of the item they are attached to.
The following changes have been made to complete the transition to a keyless economy:
Treasure Keys
-Treasure Keys are no longer sold on the Dota 2 store.
-All basic treasures that were previously opened with a Treasure Key have been removed from the game and the Steam Community Market.
-Treasure Keys can now be redeemed for a free unlocked Treasure of your choice. When you use the treasure key a new redemption menu will open. Immortal treasures and some older special event treasures are excluded from this menu, but otherwise the list of treasures is unrestricted. One key can be exchanged for any one treasure. As new treasures are added to the game, they will also be added to this menu.
-All treasure keys will expire and be removed from the game one year from now on July 1st, 2015. Keys must be redeemed by that time.
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